
What We Like This Week: World Cup and Other Hat Tricks

Categories: AEC Construction

With the World Cup underway, we’ve got football on the brain. So we’re going for a triple hat-trick of our own this week—3 sets of stories on the 3 topics that we’re following most closely. Check out our picks:

Credit: Adidas

Credit: Fyodor Telkov

  • Giving credit for generative design. Generative design technology is available to all as part of Fusion 360 Ultimate, and thanks to Amazon the first 1,000 people to sign up will receive 500 free cloud credits to use it (on top of the 1,000 credits that come with their subscription), as we reported recently. But don’t take our word for it. ZDNet shares the news, as does Develop3D. TCT Magazine has a particularly good take. In other words: this is a big deal.

“Our view is design and manufacturing are two disciplines converging. As an industry, we have educated people to think about CAD, CAE, CAM, and data management sequentially as different product categories. We think that’s wrong. It ought to be one thing. It’s only by combining these disciplines together that you can embrace these new technologies. That’s where we see generative design coming in and leveraging the power of the cloud to be able to provide that type of capability.” –– Stephen Hooper, Sr. Director Design & Manufacturing, Autodesk