When it comes to the process of making, there is no final product. It’s always changing, evolving, and becoming. Check out this week’s picks:
- Building skills. The Guardian reports on how a high school in Wisconsin is rethinking vocational ed to get students ready for future careers in industry—which means working collaboratively with automation. And Construction Dive shows what that collaboration looks like today: the MULE (Material Unit Lift Enhancer).
- Speaking of design. Part of doing great design is explaining what’s great about it. Paul Sohi of Autodesk talks to Core77 about his journey from architecture to industrial design and why it’s so important to be able to advocate for your own work.
“As designers, we’re supposed to empathize—our job is essentially [the] physical manifestation of empathy. But we all tend to fall down during meetings because we take critique personally. We need to empathize with the client, too.” – Paul Sohi, Autodesk
- Fiddling around with generative design. Designer (and decent violinist) David Perry shares his first experience using the generative design capabilities in Fusion 360 to make a fiddle. And guess what? It’s fun. (via SolidSmack)
- Trashing fashion. Plastic bottles are just the beginning of what clothes can be. Big brands like Everlane, Adidas are considering how to scale sustainable manufacturing with style, according to Vox.