Public Company Information:
SAN RAFAEL, Calif… February 2, 2016 —Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK) today announced that the company’s Autodesk Federal Solutions Team and Autodesk Consulting were successful in obtaining the award of a $1.2 million research contract through the Air Force Research Lab Advanced Power Technology Office (AFRL-APTO) to demonstrate a Rapid Energy Modeling (REM) solution for buildings at Tinker Air Force Base (Tinker AFB) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Tinker AFB is home to the heavy industrial Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex and recently reported the base is “on track for big energy savings in 2015”. Upcoming projects for the Tinker Energy Team will include energy efficiency in buildings and infrastructure.
Simplifying the Energy Audit Process
The REM approach makes preliminary energy assessments simple and cost-effective by providing energy insights based on a building’s construction, geometry, and local climate conditions. The result is a 3D model of the USAF installation complete with buildings and infrastructure. The REM analysis shows energy consumption graphically, and helps identify retrofit measures that would generate the greatest reduction in energy consumption.
The demonstration at Tinker AFB will utilize Autodesk’s REM technology to help Air Force facility energy managers rapidly assess energy use and prioritize buildings and measures to reduce energy demand and costs. The REM project also sets a precedent for how the Department of Defense can quickly assess energy consumption at all its buildings — which includes more than 845,000 facilities across 800 bases and 4,127 defense sites.
As part of the Air Force Alternative Energy Program, AFRL is working to identify and demonstrate solutions that improve the Air Force’s energy posture. Reduced energy cost and increased energy security are top priorities across the U.S. Government, which recently mandated each agency to promote building energy conservation, efficiency, and management, and to report on building energy usage on a regular basis.
“A validation project with the Department of Defense found that Autodesk’s REM approach was estimated at 96% less expensive than traditional, more labor intensive energy auditing approaches,” said Emma Stewart, director of Sustainability Solutions at Autodesk. “Autodesk’s REM technology will enable the Air Force to quickly get a handle on how much energy each facility is using — and enable the USAF to find ways to reduce overall energy consumption.” Read more about the Department of Defense’s validation project with Rapid Energy Modeling and Autodesk here.
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About APTO
The APTO Program executes technology development and demonstration of alternative energy technologies on behalf of Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Installations, Environment and Energy. APTO enables the transition and integration of advanced power and alternative energy technologies into the Air Force’s inventory of ground vehicles, aerospace ground support equipment, Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources, and base infrastructure through the progression of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) while ensuring environmental responsibility.
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